Friday, 31 July 2020

आयरवद म आतरयक उपवस क महतव Intermittent Fasting Importance in Ayurveda

आयुर्वेद में आंतरायिक उपवास का महत्‍व - Intermittent Fasting in Ayurvedaआज के जीवन शैली में dieting, Intermittent fasting (IF) जैसे शब्‍द प्रचलन में बढ़ रहे हैं । यद्यपि हिन्‍दू धर्म सहित मुस्लिम, बौद्ध, जैन कई धर्मो में धार्मिक उपवास या व्रत की बात कही गई है । फिर नई पीढ़ी के लोग इसकी अवहेलना करते रहे किन्‍तु अब जब उपवास को विज्ञान सम्‍मत स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य के […] More

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How the Trump administration could ‘ban’ TikTok

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

The Trump administration is apparently considering a ban on Chinese social media apps, including the popular video app TikTok. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo mentioned the possibility on July 7th, saying it was “something we’re looking at” in a Fox News interview with Laura Ingraham — and on July 31st, President Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One that he planned to personally ban the app using his own authority, instead of potentially forcing its Chinese owner to divest it.

The comments could easily have been bluster. But Pompeo also compared TikTok to Huawei and ZTE, two companies that have suffered very real consequences after drawing US government ire. With tension rising between the US and China, Trump trying to ban TikTok...

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SpaceX’s Crew Dragon slated to bring NASA astronauts home for the first time this weekend

This weekend, two NASA astronauts are slated to return home to Earth inside SpaceX’s new passenger capsule, the Crew Dragon. It’ll be the first time that the Crew Dragon carries passengers back to the planet’s surface, ultimately proving if the vehicle can safely transport people to space and back.

Veteran astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley will be aboard the spacecraft. The duo made history at the end of May when they launched to the International Space Station inside the Crew Dragon, marking the first time a privately made vehicle carried people to orbit. The launch heralded the return of human spaceflight in the US. The last time people flew to orbit from the United States was in 2011, with the last flight of the Space Shuttle....

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Twitter permanently suspends white supremacist David Duke

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Twitter has suspended the account of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke for “repeated violations of the Twitter Rules on hateful conduct,” a spokesperson confirmed to The Verge on Friday. “This enforcement action is in line with our recently-updated guidance on harmful links.”

Duke joined Twitter in September 2009, an archived version of his page shows, and his account had more than 53,000 followers.

YouTube suspended several white supremacists’ channels last month, including Duke’s, for violating its hate speech policies. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which describes Duke as a neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier, says Duke “built an international reputation as the American face of white nationalism and pseudo-academic...

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There’s unproven tech in the NBA’s COVID-19 prevention plan

It didn’t surprise James Gilmore to hear that the NBA was turning to smart rings to help manage the risk of COVID-19 inside its “bubble” at Disney World, where the league hopes to finish the rest of the season. “The NBA, and the NBA Players Association, has been at the forefront of embracing wearable technology for individual players,” says Gilmore, an assistant professor who studies the use of wearable technology in daily life at Clemson University.

All players inside the bubble have the option of wearing an Oura ring, normally marketed as a sleep and activity tracker. Health data collected by the ring, the league says, will be used to flag changes that could indicate someone has symptoms of COVID-19, even if they don’t feel sick.


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The Verge’s back-to-school gift guide 2020

Everything you’ll need and want when you start school

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सफददग क आयरवदक परबधन Ayurvedic Management of Vitiligo

सफेददाग का आयुर्वेदिक प्रबंधन - Ayurvedic Management of Vitiligoविज्ञान के विकास के साथ-साथ चिकित्‍सा विज्ञान का विकास हुआ है आधुनिक चिकित्‍सा विज्ञान जहॉं तत्‍कालिक परिणाम देने के लिये विख्‍यात हैं वहीं गंगीर से गंगीर शल्‍य करने में भी सक्षम है किन्‍तु इतने विकास के बाद भी कुछ रोग ऐसे हैंजिसे आधुनिक चिकित्‍सा विज्ञान नियंत्रित तो कर सकता है किन्‍तु जड़ से समाप्‍त नहीं […] More

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लवर सरसस क आयरवदक परबधन Ayurvedic Management of Liver Cirrhosis

लिवर सिरोसिस का आयुर्वेदिक प्रबंधन - Ayurvedic Management of Liver Cirrhosisमहर्षी चरक के अनुसार-”किसी चिकित्‍सा पद्यति में न तो कोई ऐसी पुस्‍तक न ही हो सकती है जिसमें भूत, भविष्‍य एवं वर्तमान के समस्‍त रोगों का नाम लिखा हो । आयुर्वेद ने बताया है कि रो भले असंख्‍य हों परिचित हों, अपरिचित हो, नया हो या पुराना । उनके संक्षिप्‍त एवं सूत्रबद्ध हैं । इसलिये […] More

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आयरवदय चकतस एव आयरवदक औषधय Ayurvedic Treatment & Ayurvedic Medicine

आयुर्वेदीय चिकित्सा एवं आयुर्वेदिक औषधियां - Ayurvedic Treatment & Ayurvedic Medicineआयुर्वेद के अनुसार कोई भी रोग केवल शारीरिक एवं केवल मानसिक नहीं होता अपितु  यदि शारीरिक रोग हो जाये तो इसका सीधा-सीधा प्रभाव मन पर और यदि मानसिक हो जाये तो इसका सीधा-सीधा प्रभाव शरीर पर निश्‍चित रूप से पड़ता है । इसी कारण आयुर्वेद का एक सफल वैद्य अपने रोगी के केवल रोग के […] More

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भरत म आयरवदय चकतस उदयग Ayurvedic Medical Industry in India

भारत में आयुर्वेदीय चिकित्सा उद्योग - Ayurvedic Medical Industry in Indiaआयुर्वेदिक उत्पाद एक व्यक्तिगत देखभाल और स्वास्थ्य संबंधी उत्पाद हैं जो औषधीय उपचार प्रयोजनों के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैं। महिलाओं के शिक्षित होने की दर अधिक होने एवं कामकाजी महिलाओं की संख्‍या में वृद्धि होने कारण तथा ब्‍यूटी प्रोडक्‍ट में लगातार रसायनों के बढ़ते दर के कारण महिलयां व्‍यक्तिगत देखभाल के लिये हर्बल सौदर्य […] More

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Chrome’s autofill is getting more secure and convenient

You’ll be able to use security options like a fingerprint to enter credit card details. | Image: Google

Google is updating its Chrome browser to let you automatically enter saved passwords and credit card details into forms more easily and securely, the company has announced. The browser will now use biometric authentication like a fingerprint to autofill credit card details without having to ask for your three-digit CVC each time, and a new dialog box will let you pick from a list of saved account credentials to sign into a website without having to tap into individual form fields.

As well as offering convenience, both features are designed to make transactions more secure on the web. Biometric security makes it harder for someone to make an online purchase if they have access to your device. You’ll still need to enter your CVC the first...

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TikTok has a bold new plan to win over regulators

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Programming note: It’s time for our summer vacation! The stretch between January and today is the longest uninterrupted period we have ever written The Interface, and so we’re taking a break to recharge. We return August 17th.

On any other day, the memo that Kevin Mayer published Wednesday might have been the talk of the tech world. TikTok’s new CEO, who was thrust into a crisis over the future of the Chinese-owned app from the moment he took the job, has quickly emerged as the company’s top diplomat.

In his blog post, he came bearing economic gifts for the country that is currently blocking his app from federal and military devices, and threatening to ban it completely — as India recently did. Mayer promised to expand a fund for...

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आयरवदक आयरवजञन क शकष एव अनसधन Education and Research in Ayurvedic Medicine

आयुर्वेदिक आयुर्विज्ञान की शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान - Education & Research in Ayurvedकिसी भी ज्ञान को व्‍यवहारिक रूप से उपयोगी बनाने के लिये आवश्‍यक है कि उस ज्ञान का शोधन एवं परिक्षण होते रहना चाहिये । उस ज्ञान के विकास के लिये यह भी आवश्‍यक है कि उसे आने वाली पीढ़ी तक इसे पहुँचाया जाये । इसी क्रिया को आज शिक्षा या शिक्षण कहते हैं । चिकित्‍सा […] More

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Halo Infinite multiplayer will be free-to-play and up to 120fps, leaks reveal

An Irish retailer has revealed that Halo Infinite’s multiplayer mode will be free-to-play and support up to 120fps. Smyths Toys Superstores briefly posted details (Google Cache) about Halo Infinite multiplayer on a promotional page this week before quickly removing them once the internet discovered the references.

“The legendary Halo series returns with the most expansive Master Chief campaign yet and a groundbreaking free-to-play multiplayer experience,” read the listing. “Enjoy up to 120 FPS and greatly reduced load times creating seamless gameplay with Xbox Series X.”

The listing on Smyths Toys Superstores.

Klobrille, an Xbox leaker that accurately revealed previous Halo Infinite details, backed up the claims that...

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आयरवद क परवरतक स आज क आयरवदक ससथन From the Original Promoters of Ayurveda to the Ayurvedic Institutes of today

आयुर्वेद के प्रवर्तक से आयुर्वेदिक संस्थान - From the origin of Ayurveda to todayश्रीमद्भागवत पुराण के साथ-साथ कई अनेक हिन्‍दू धार्मिक ग्रन्‍थों में समुद्रमंथन की चर्चा है । श्रीमद्भागवत के अनुसार इस समुद्रमंथन से साक्षात भगवान बिष्‍णु के अंशांश अवतार हाथों में कलश लिये धनवंतरी प्रगट हुये, जो आयुर्वेद के प्रवर्तक थे ।  महर्षि बाल्‍मीकी ने अपनी कृति रामायण में धनवंतरी को ‘आयेर्वेदमय’ अर्थात आयुर्वेद का साक्षात स्‍वरूप […] More

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Who wouldn’t want their Echo Dot to look like Baby Yoda?

Image: Otterbox

There are plenty of things I could tell you about Otterbox’s new stand for the third-generation Amazon Echo Dot smart speaker. I could tell you about its “durable materials” or how it’s designed to “securely” hold on to your Echo device. The Amazon listing even claims its “precision-fit, non-slip base” is “engineered for optimal audio output.”

But you and I both know that none of that really matters, because what’s really important here is that this base adds little tiny Emmy-nominated Baby Yoda* ears to the sides of your Echo Dot. If you want to pretend that you’re actually speaking to The Mandalorian character every time you ask Alexa to set a timer, then this is (probably) the easiest way to do it.

Image: Otterbox ...

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Oppo launches mid-range Reno 4 Pro for $470

Oppo has announced the Reno 4 Pro for international release. It’s a mid-range phone that isn’t a million miles away from sister company OnePlus’ new Nord in specs, design, and pricing.

The Reno 4 Pro has a matte back panel with a gradient design and a glossy finish on the quad camera bump. It feels very thin and light by today’s standards, at 7.7mm thick and 161g. The camera bump bears the legend “INNOVATIVE QUADCAM” in capital letters, which is a pretty amusing thing to write on a camera bump, but otherwise this is an attractive device.

The phone looks good from the front, too, with a 6.5-inch 90Hz 1080p AMOLED screen with the slightest of curves on the edges. Unlike other curved screens, this panel doesn’t stretch right...

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दनक जवन म आयरवद Ayurveda in Everyday Life

दैनिक जीवन में आयुर्वेद - Use of Ayurveda in Everyday Lifeभूमिका – Prelude स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य के बिना मनुष्‍य संसार में अपने इच्‍छा अनुसार सफलता प्राप्‍त नहीं कर सकता ।  अपने लक्ष्‍य में सफल होने के लिये मनुष्‍य को स्‍वस्‍थ मन और स्‍वस्‍थ तन की आवश्‍यकता है ।  मानसिक स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य और शारीरिक स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं । किसी भी काम करने के लिये प्रेरित करते […] More

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आयरवद और आयरवदक चकतस पदयत क वयपकत -The prevalence of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic medicine system

आयुर्वेद और आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्‍सा पद्यति की व्‍यापकता - The prevalence of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic medicine systemभूमिका – Prelude ”जान है तो जहॉंन है।” और ”स्‍वस्‍थ तन में ही स्‍वस्‍थ मन का वास होता है।” ऐसे हजरों स्‍लोगन हमारे भारतीय समाज में प्रचलित  हैं । ये सभी स्‍लोगन हमें अपने स्‍वाथ्य के प्रति जागरूक करने के साथ-साथ स्‍वास्‍थय के महत्‍व को प्रदर्शित करते हैं । वास्‍तव में हमें कुछ भी छोटे […] More

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Introduction to Ayurveda आयरवद एक परचय

Introduction to the world of Ayurveda - आयुर्वेद - एक परिचयIntroduction – भूमिका सृष्टि के उत्‍पत्‍ती के साथ ही मानव जीवन का विकास प्रारंभ हुआ । आदि मानव से आज के आधुनिक मानव सम्‍भ्‍यता तक अनेक सोपानों से होकर मनुष्‍य गुजरा है । समय के अनुसार उनके आवश्‍यकताओं में भी परिवर्तन हुआ है किन्‍तु मूलभूत आवश्‍यकताएं तो वहीं के वहीं रहे केवल उनके स्‍वरूप में […] More

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Thursday, 30 July 2020

Google is now making it easier to find Black-owned businesses

Google is launching a new tool that allows businesses to identify themselves as Black-owned through the company’s Maps and Search listings. The new feature is part of the company’s pledge announced last month to support the Black community with “initiatives and product ideas that support long-term solutions.”

When searching for a business through or Google Maps, you’ll now be able to see a new badge to represent Black-owned businesses — it’s a black heart over an orange three-striped background, like the one you can see in these images. They need to claim their business on Google and verify they own it by mail, phone or email before they can apply for the badge; it’s not clear how or whether Google can actually tell if...

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Ayurvedic management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)- पलससटक ओवर सडरम (PCOS) क आयरवदक परबधन

Ayurvedic management of polycystic ovary syndrome in Hindiआयुर्वेद केवल और केवल प्राकृतिक हर्बल औषधियों के आधार पर ही निदानात्‍मक उपचार करता है । आयुर्वेद लोगों काे स्‍वस्‍थ जीवन जीने का मार्ग प्रशस्‍त करती है । यह किसी भी रोग या स्‍वास्‍थ की विपरित परिस्थितियों से सामना करने का मार्ग प्रशस्‍त करती है । पर्यावरणीय असंतुलन एवं खान-पान में असंतुलन के कारण आज […] More

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Twitter says a spear phishing attack led to the huge bitcoin scam

Illustration by Grayson Blackmon / The Verge

Twitter provided an update about the unprecedented July 15th attack that allowed hackers to tweet from some of the most high-profile accounts on the service, in a blog post and a series of tweets published Thursday evening. Twitter now says that a few employees were targeted in a phone spear phishing attack. While Twitter doesn’t quite say, that presumably means hackers called up Twitter employees while posing as colleagues or members of Twitter’s own security team, and got them to reveal the credentials they use to access internal systems.

Twitter had previously said its own tools were compromised in the attack, but up until this point, the company hadn’t specified how that had happened. “This attack relied on a significant and...

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In the pandemic economy, tech companies are raking it in

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

From a pure entertainment perspective, I am genuinely sorry that the House’s antitrust hearing targeting the big four tech companies — Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google — took place Wednesday instead of next week. Because literally a day after a meeting attempting to determine if Big Tech was too big, three of the four companies in the hearing got bigger. (Google’s parent company, Alphabet, had a decline in revenue of about 2 percent, mostly due to a decline in search ads — but this was still better than analysts predicted.)

The hearing was about how tech companies have consolidated their power. The coronavirus seems to be making that...

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Microsoft’s Edge browser is crashing if you have Google set as default search

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Microsoft’s new Edge browser is randomly crashing when users type into the address bar tonight. The issues appear to be affecting Edge users who have selected Google as the default search engine. Microsoft says it’s aware of the problems and the company’s Edge team is investigating.

Microsoft recommends turning off Search Suggestions in edge://settings/search. The Verge has tested this workaround and it solves the problem if you have Google set as your default search engine.

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The tech antitrust hearing was good, actually

Well, we had an antitrust hearing.

A long one, too. The House Judiciary Committee’s investigation into the market power of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google ran to nearly six hours, accounting for a handful of delays and intermissions. Alternating Democrats and Republicans asked the CEOs of those companies a combined 217 questions, ranging from pointed questions about how Facebook intimidates smaller competitors (from Rep. Pramila Jayapal) to comically self-interested inquiries into why members’ fundraising emails are going to the spam folder (thank you, Rep. Greg Steube.)

In its lunatic whipsawing between companies, issues, and conspiracy theories, Wednesday’s antitrust hearing resembled nothing so much as an endlessly scrolling social...

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Documents show Apple gave Amazon special treatment to get Prime Video into App Store

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

During a hearing before the House antitrust subcommittee on Wednesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook testified that “we apply the rules to all developers evenly” when it comes to the App Store. But documents revealed by the subcommittee’s investigation show Apple senior vice president Eddy Cue offered Amazon a unique deal in 2016: Apple would only take a 15 percent fee on subscriptions that signed up through the app, compared to the standard 30 percent that most developers must hand over.

An email from Cue to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos lists the terms negotiated:

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Verizon’s answer for rural broadband access is a new LTE home internet service

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Verizon has announced a new home internet service that uses its 4G LTE wireless network. The service will target rural communities that aren’t currently served by Verizon’s Fios or 5G Home options.

The new “broadband” service is now available in Savannah, Georgia; Springfield, Missouri; and the Tri-Cities region of Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky. The plan will cost $40 per month for customers who already have a Verizon mobile plan and $60 for everyone else. (You’ll also need an LTE Home router, which costs $240.)

“With LTE Home Internet, our most awarded 4G LTE network will provide Internet connectivity for customers in more rural parts of America who may not have access to broadband Internet service - a critical need, especially...

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Twitch is helping build an esports league for HBCUs

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Twitch is partnering with Cxmmunity, a nonprofit organization aimed at increasing minority youth participation in esports and gaming, to create an esports league for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), the company announced Thursday. Students at HBCUs will receive scholarship and educational support through its Twitch Student program, and Twitch will help the schools expand esports programs.

Cxmmunity co-founder Chris Peay says, as a graduate of an HBCU, he knows firsthand about the gaming industry’s lack of representation. “Growing up we’re often taught you get good grades so that you can get into a good college, graduate from that college, and find a good job,” Peay said in a statement. “Very seldom do we talk about...

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Razer’s $99 BlackShark V2 wired gaming headset features THX spatial audio

Razer BlackShark V2 The $99.99 model has breathable ear pads, the SpeedFlex braided cable and includes the USB sound card. | Razer

Razer is launching two models of the BlackShark V2 wired gaming headset today, following up on the original model that was released all the way back in 2012. Of these two models, the $99.99 BlackShark V2 (pictured above) has more features, while the $59.99 BlackShark V2 X is a little stripped down by comparison. Importantly, both feature an excellent tactile knob for adjusting the volume on the left ear cup, cross-compatibility with PC and consoles via their 3.5mm cable, as well as generous sizing options (in case you have a larger-than-usual head). They also both have a mute button to make it easy to cut off comms with your team.

What drives up the cost in the more expensive version mostly comes down to the included USB sound card that...

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An unprecedented Nintendo leak turns into a moral dilemma for archivists

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

For the past week, Nintendo fans have resembled digital archaeologists. Following a massive leak of source code and other internal documents — appropriately dubbed the gigaleak — previously unknown details from the company’s biggest games have steadily trickled out. Those poring over the code have uncovered a new Animal Crossing villager, early prototypes for games like Pokémon Diamond, cut characters from Star Fox, a very weird Yoshi, and strange titles like a hockey RPG. Perhaps the biggest discovery has been a Luigi character model from Super Mario 64.

From a historical and preservationist perspective, the leak is an incredible find. It’s a rare look into the process and discarded ideas of one of the most influential — and secretive —...

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Razer’s last-gen Blade 15 gaming laptop is $500 off at Amazon

Razer Blade 15 Image: Razer

Razer’s Blade 15 gaming laptop is $500 off at Amazon, dropping the price to a very reasonable $1,100. This machine is its previous-generation model, which affects the overall design and internal components only in a few minor ways that might not matter to you if you’re just looking for a well-crafted, feature-packed Windows 10 machine. First off, it has Intel’s 9th Gen Core i7-9750H, but it likely won’t show its age since it’s a six-core processor that’s fairly new. More pressing is that the keyboard is Razer’s older design that wedged the up arrow between the forward slash and right Shift keys. I find that arrangement to be annoying, but not necessarily a deal-breaker. Also not so great is the small 256GB NVMe M.2 SSD that comes...

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OpenAI’s latest breakthrough is astonishingly powerful, but still fighting its flaws

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

The ultimate autocomplete

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The Weeknd will perform in a virtual TikTok concert on August 7th

Image: TikTok

On August 7th at 8:30PM ET, TikTok will play host to a live virtual concert from The Weeknd, where he’ll perform a series of tracks from his latest album, After Hours, the social network announced today. Rather than appearing in person like a typical TikTok video or its previous live-streamed music events, The Weeknd will be represented by a digital avatar in what TikTok is calling its “first-ever in-app cross reality experience.” It says viewers will be able to interact with the singer as he performs.

The event is just the latest example of big-name musicians performing virtually. Fortnite’s recent events, such as Travis Scott earlier this year or Marshmello’s concert from 2019 are two of the highest-profile examples, each drawing in...

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How Microsoft Flight Simulator returned to the skies

A spectacular comeback for a Microsoft icon

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NASA’s life-hunting Mars rover is officially on its way to the Red Planet

Photo by Joel Kowsky / NASA

NASA’s latest Mars rover — a six-wheeled SUV-sized robot named Perseverance — successfully launched from Florida this morning, embarking on a nearly seven-month journey to the Red Planet. Once it reaches Mars, it will attempt a harrowing landing to the surface and start exploring the planet’s terrain, hoping to solve the biggest lingering mysteries about Mars’ past.

The primary focus of Perseverance’s mission is to find out if Mars ever hosted life some 3.8 billion years ago. The rover is equipped with multiple instruments to search for signs of ancient microbes that may be lurking in the rocks and dirt on Mars. But most important of all, Perseverance is decked out with a sophisticated drilling system, designed to dig up samples of the...

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The Motorola Edge is a more accessible flagship phone

Almost-flagship features at an almost-flagship price

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Riot ends sponsorship with controversial Saudi city Neom following outcry

Photo: Riot Games

Less than a day after announcing that the controversial Saudi megacity Neom would become a major sponsor of the League of Legends European Championship, Riot has reversed the decision. The news comes after fans, LEC staff, and Riot employees criticized the decision, due largely to the Saudi government’s long history of human right abuses, which extends to the creation of Neom itself, a city billed as a kind of sci-fi wonderland.

In a statement, Alberto Guerrero, Riot’s director of esports for the EMEA region, said:

As a company and as a league, we know that it’s important to recognize when we make mistakes and quickly work to correct them. After further reflection, while we remain steadfastly committed to all of our players and fans...

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Peacock has added 10 million customers since April

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Comcast’s new Peacock streaming service has added 10 million customers since its limited launch in April and national launch in mid-July. The announcement was a bright spot in the cable giant’s otherwise mostly grim second quarter earnings report, as it continued to feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on its entertainment divisions. Net income for the quarter fell 4.4 percent to $2.99 billion on revenue of $23.7 billion.

“NBCUniversal successfully launched Peacock in Cable’s footprint in April, ahead of the streaming service’s U.S. nationwide launch earlier this month, with 10 million sign-ups to date,” Comcast chairman and CEO Brian Roberts said in a statement announcing the earnings results. Peacock, considered a relatively...

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EU will reportedly open full investigation into Google’s Fitbit acquisition

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Google’s $2.1 billion acquisition of Fitbit will reportedly face greater scrutiny from EU regulators. Reuters reports that the deal will face a full-scale antitrust investigation, which the European Commission will reportedly open next week. Regulators and consumer advocacy groups have shared fears about Google’s planned acquisition of Fitbit, related to the search giant gaining access to sensitive data like fitness activities, heart rates, sleep patterns, and more.

Consumer groups from across Europe, the US, Mexico, Canada, and Brazil have labeled Google’s Fitbit deal a “test case” for regulators’ abilities to prevent data monopolies. Google has been trying to appease European regulators by offering not to use Fitbit’s health data to...

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Google One will backup iOS or Android devices for free

Google One logo Image: Google

Google One, the cloud storage service that Google launched back in 2018, will now backup your iOS or Android phone for free with your Google account. The iOS app will be able to backup your photos, videos, contacts and calendar events, consolidating what’s offered by different services like Photos and Drive into one place, Android Authority notes. Meanwhile the Android app, which could already backup a range of files from your phone, will now offer backups without a Google One membership.

Along with backing up your files, Google One is also being updated to make it easier to manage which files are being stored. This storage management feature is available from either the app or the web, and will let you manage files saved from Drive,...

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How to watch NASA launch its next rover to Mars today

On Thursday morning, NASA is scheduled to launch its next rover to Mars, the beginning of a years-long mission to figure out if the Red Planet ever hosted life. The rover, called Perseverance, is equipped with instruments to look for evidence of ancient Martian microbes, but its prime goal is to excavate samples and leave them on Mars — so that one day they can be returned to Earth for study. There’s even a tiny helicopter aboard named Ingenuity.

Perseverance’s ride to Mars is the Atlas V rocket, made and operated by the United Launch Alliance. Atlas V rockets have previously flown four NASA missions to Mars, including the Curiosity rover, which landed on the Red Planet in 2012. For this flight, the rocket is equipped with four small...

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Galaxy Z Flip 5G now up for preorder if you’d rather not wait for the Note 20

Image: Samsung

Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip 5G, the 5G version of the foldable phone it released earlier this year, is now available for preorder as an unlocked device on Prices start at $1,499.99, a $70 premium over the previous LTE version. Along with 5G connectivity, that price gets you a slightly upgraded Snapdragon 865 Plus processor. Otherwise, the two phones are almost identical.

Samsung is widely expected to announce a host of new devices at its Galaxy Note 20 Unpacked event on August 5th, including the new Galaxy Z Fold 2. The Z Fold is a tablet-sized device that folds to become the size of a smartphone, while the Z Flip is a more traditional flip phone device that folds in half to become more compact. The Z Fold 2 will reportedly also...

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Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Huawei overtakes Samsung as world’s biggest smartphone vendor, says report

Photo by Sam Byford / The Verge

For the first time ever, Huawei has shipped more smartphones worldwide over a quarter than any other company, according to a new report from analyst firm Canalys. Huawei has long harbored ambitions to overtake Samsung as the world’s biggest smartphone seller, and going by the numbers from Canalys, that’s just what happened during the April-June period this year.

That doesn’t mean Huawei will hold onto the top spot for long, as the results were clearly influenced by the ongoing pandemic. Canalys’ figure of 55.8 million Huawei smartphones shipped is actually down 5 percent year-on-year, while Samsung slid 30 percent to 53.7 million. More than 70 percent of Huawei’s devices are now sold in China, which hasn’t been hit as hard by COVID-19 as...

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What Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple have in common

On Wednesday, lawmakers squared off with the chief executives of the tech industry’s four most powerful players, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. Even though each company is under antitrust scrutiny for different reasons, the committee used this week’s hearing to point out similarities between all four, making the case for future regulatory reform.

Since last June, lawmakers have been engaged in a sweeping antitrust investigation into the tech sector, honing in on how some of the most notable names in the industry have grown too big by allegedly stifling competition. Lawmakers have heard hundreds of hours of testimony and obtained over one million documents throughout their investigation, a process that made it difficult for CEOs...

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Samsung’s profits are up despite COVID-19 pandemic

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Samsung posted better than expected earnings for the second quarter of 2020, with operating profit up 23 percent year-on-year to 8.15 trillion won ($6.84 billion) despite a 6-percent fall in revenue. The Korean conglomerate says it experienced a greater recovery from the impact of COVID-19 than it had initially forecast and managed to optimize its expenditure, even though sales of devices like smartphones were down from last year.

Samsung expects smartphone sales to rise next quarter due to the launch of the Galaxy Note 20 and an unnamed foldable phone, likely the leaked Galaxy Z Fold 2. Its display business, which supplies panels for other device makers, saw demand fall but had earnings boosted due to a “one-time gain.” This is...

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Netflix is bringing back Black sitcoms Moesha and Sister Sister, and I cannot contain my excitement

SISTER SISTER Photo by Walt Disney Television via Getty Images Photo Archives/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

Spread the word: Netflix has secured the rights to stream some of the best Black sitcoms from the 90s and 2000s — including my personal favorites Moesha, Sister Sister, and The Parkers, all of which I fondly remember watching as a little girl. I still remember running to my room to turn on the TV, singing the R&B theme songs for each show (they were so energetic and catchy that I memorized the lyrics word by word), and how amazing it was to see TV sitcoms targeted to my demographic. There weren’t a ton of black TV shows, with black female leads taking charge, that focused on things I personally struggled with growing up.

I was pretty young when these three shows had their initial runs (I was born in 1995), but thanks to reruns...

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The Emmys will be held virtually this year and may feature nominees in their homes

Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen - Season 17 Photo by: Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

The 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards will be an all-virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a representative confirmed to The Verge, and it sounds like the new format could lead to peeks inside the lives of some of your favorite television stars, according to a letter from the executive producers (and host Jimmy Kimmel) that was published by Variety. USA Today also obtained a copy of the letter.

“We are assembling a top notch team of technicians, producers and writers to work closely with Jimmy Kimmel and with you and your team to make sure that we can film with you (and loved ones or whomever else you choose to be with) at your home, or another location of your choice,” reads part of the letter, which was reportedly sent to nominees...

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How Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater changed the lives of some of the world’s biggest skaters

Rodney Mullen. | Photo: Activision

Rodney Mullen, Chad Muska, and Bucky Lasek on the series’s lasting impact

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The best noise-canceling headphones to buy right now

Get some peace and quiet with the best noise-canceling headphones for a variety of uses

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The Strategist’s Two-Day (Actually Good) Sale Is Here

Deals on over 30 of our favorite things, just for our readers

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You can save $50 on Samsung’s excellent Galaxy Buds Plus

Samsung’s Galaxy Buds Plus, the best wireless earbuds for most people, pictured in a woman’s ear. Photo by Chris Welch / The Verge

We recently ranked Samsung’s Galaxy Buds Plus wireless earbuds as the best overall option, thanks to their 11-hour continuous battery life, wireless charging support, improved microphones, and excellent sound quality. They normally cost $150, but you can grab them for just shy of $100 from a reputable seller at eBay. If you’re okay with getting them in white, which has a pearlescent look, they cost $99, though the black or blue options are $110.

The last time we covered a Galaxy Buds Plus deal in early July, $130 was the best price we’d seen yet.

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

If you don’t want to spend that much, Best Buy is offering the original Galaxy Buds refurbished in black for just $60. They’re...

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Vergecast: Two more iPhones, Apple’s ‘One More Thing’ event

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge We started this week with some reviews of the alternatively-sized iPhone 12s — the mini and the Pro Max...